This collection of vegan lentil recipes covers all the best ways to use different types of lentils in your kitchen. From tacos to soups and curries and even desserts, you will love these healthy, budget-friendly lentil recipes.

Large slice of lentil shepherd's pie on a plate.

Types of Lentils

The most common types of lentils used in the recipes below are red lentils and green/brown lentils but you may also come across French or black lentils from time to time.

  • Red and yellow lentils. Red lentils have a short cooking time and are soft and mushy once cooked. You’ll find them commonly used in dahls and other Indian and Middle Eastern dishes. They work well in curries, soups and stews and have a sweet, nutty flavour.
  • Green and brown lentils. Brown and green lentils are probably the most common and may even just be labeled “lentils” without an additional descriptor. They hold their shape well during cooking and are great for salads, soups, stews, burgers and meatloaf.
  • Black and Beluga lentils. Beluga lentils are named for their resemblance to caviar. They have an earthy flavor and soft texture and work well in salads.
  • French lentils. French lentils, or sometimes specifically Le Puy lentils, named after the Puy region in France, are darker and smaller in size than standard green lentils. They hold their shape very well when cooked so make a great choice for salads. Note that French lentils have a more distinct flavor than other varieties – they’re a bit nutty and peppery!

Lentil Nutrition

Why eat lentils? Well, lentils are an excellent source of nutrients!

Lentils are a good source of protein in a plant-based diet, containing roughly 9 grams of protein in a 100-gram serving but that’s not all they contain or offer in the way of health benefits.

  • Lentils have the second-highest antioxidant content among tested legumes and offer significant levels of iron, zinc and folate.
  • Lentils appear to improve glycemic control when eaten with meals and even after.
  • Lentils may offer significant anti-inflammatory effects.

One serving of lentils also contains about 20 grams of complex carbohydrates necessary for energy production, 8 grams of fiber, and 3 milligrams of iron. They are relatively low in fat and calories with only about 115 calories in a serving and 0.3 grams of fat.

Best Lentil Recipes

Enjoy these hearty, healthy and delicious plant-based lentils recipes that are easy to make and can be made gluten-free and oil-free, if needed.

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