These 25 healthy plant-based Instant Pot recipes are easy to make and work great for both pantry and fresh ingredients. From vegetables to beans and even dessert, the Instant Pot is a versatile and convenient addition to a plant-based kitchen.

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What plant-based foods can you make in an Instant Pot?

You can make pretty much anything in an Instant Pot and while it’s not necessarily faster than cooking stovetop, I love how hands-off it is…just dump and go!

I even use it for preparing quickly cooked veggies like broccoli just because it’s less effort than dealing with various pots and pans. I love how I can have it going without having to monitor it while I prepare other items. It’s so handy!

Aside from recipes, here are some of the ways I use my Instant Pot to prepare plant-based foods:

  • Steaming vegetables. Broccoli, brussels sprouts, carrots, beets, sweet potato, potato and even greens like kale are all quick and easy to make in an Instant Pot.
  • Baking vegetables. I love baking whole squashes, potato and sweet potato in my Instant Pot. It’s so easy and perfect for food prep.
  • Roasting vegetables. You can make wonderful roast veggies like potato, sweet potato, carrot and Brussels sprouts.
  • Cooking whole grains. I frequently cook quinoa, brown rice, farro and steel-cut oats in my Instant Pot
  • Cooking beans from scratch. The Instant Pot is wonderful from cooking any and all beans from scratch. You’ll never go back to canned again!
  • Cooking lentils. Lentils are easy to make in an Instant Pot using endless flavor variations.

I searched the web high and low to find the best plant-based Instant Pot recipes and basic tutorials for you. These recipes are all:

  • gluten-free
  • vegan
  • sugar-free or refined sugar-free
  • oil-free or option to be oil-free
  • easy to make
  • made with simple ingredients
  • well-reviewed

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