This core and upper body circuit workout will challenge your entire upper body and sneak in some core strength training too. Get ready to work your biceps, triceps, chest, back and shoulders plus build core endurance, all in one fun, sweaty workout.

Core and Upper Body Circuit Training Workout

Workout Details

There’s not much you need to know about this one. It’s a little different than some of my EMOM and conditioning workouts though. This one is a bit slower, no need to rush, take your time and perform each rep for quality. Move through each circuit at a steady pace then rest as needed between each circuit. Choose weights that allow you to finish each set but are heavy enough that the last couple reps are very tough to complete

Circuit 1: Shoulders

Complete 4 rounds of:

  • 12 Dumbell Shoulder Press
  • 12 Dumbell Lateral Raise
  • 30 Seconds Standing Dumbbell Lateral Hold

Before starting next circuit complete 2 sets of:

1 min plank + 20 toe touches

Circuit 2: Arms

Complete 4 rounds of:

Before starting next circuit complete 2 sets of:

30 seconds side plank per side + 20 slow and controlled bicycle crunches

Circuit 3: Chest and Back

Complete 4 rounds of:

  • 12 Dumbbell Chest Press (can be done on floor or bench)
  • 12 Push Ups
  • 12 Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows per Arm

Finish with 2 sets of:

20 supermans + 20 v-ups

If you still have some energy after this and you want to get some conditioning in, you could finish with one of my shorter workouts like the No-Equipment Bodyweight Workout, one of these Functional Fitness EMOM Workouts or one of these Functional Fitness Workouts.

More Workouts to Try

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