3 Functional Fitness Workouts to Try

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I did these types of CrossFit-style workouts on my own for many years, often visiting the CrossFit main site for WOD ideas. I now train at a CrossFit gym but you can still get the benefits of high-intensity conditioning workouts while training on your own.

I don’t workout on my own all that often anymore, instead I have a group of friends and gym buddies that I train with. Having that community and accountability changes everything. If joining CrossFit is something you’ve been thinking about doing for a while, I’d say just do it!!

3 CrossFit Workouts Anyone Can Try

CrossFit Benefits

1. Coaching

I was never comfortable Olympic lifting or lifting to my 1 rep max on my own. For that reason, I never pushed myself nearly as hard as I could have when I was training alone. Now that I always have a coaches reassurance, I’m stronger than ever and have the confidence to lift to my full ability.

I put off joining a CrossFit gym for over 5 years because I thought it was too expensive (also, I was chicken), but if you think about what you get for the price, in my eyes it’s more than worth it. To be able to work with qualified trainers in a small group setting is invaluable, and actually very affordable compared to personal training.

2. Community

There’s nothing like a group training atmosphere for motivation and a little friendly competition! In addition, the CrossFit community is one of the most inspiring, positive and wonderful groups I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of. It’s people of all fitness levels, bodies of all shapes and sizes and people of all backgrounds, all just trying to improve their health and be their best.

I push myself so much harder in a group setting than when I was training on own, no comparison. When I’m by myself, I take that few extra seconds rest, or put the bar down early, or cut it a few reps short. For me, you can’t beat a supportive, group setting for pushing yourself to the next level. The community aspect of CrossFit also helps hold me accountable. When you see the same people almost every day, putting their scores up on the board, you don’t want to miss out and it always helps gets me out of bed at 6am.

3. Daily Programming

When I was training on my own, I lifted the same weights for years and years without getting stronger. I was strong, but I wasn’t getting stronger. I had big time fitness-A.D.D and needed some structured programming. Now, with the right workout programming, I’m getting stronger all the time, and I don’t even have to think about it!

I love that I don’t have to plan my workouts anymore, I show up, I do the work (the really hard work) and over time, I see improvements. It really is an amazing thing.

4. Results

I’m finally seeing the changes in my strength and fitness I was always looking for and if that doesn’t motivate me to get back in there, I don’t know what will! I’m more excited about my workouts than ever because I’m actually seeing results, plus it’s more fun and every WOD is a new opportunity to challenge myself.

There are movements I don’t like because they’re difficult for me, but I do them anyways and slowly, but surely I feel myself improving. (Did I mention I can do pull-ups now?!!!) The amazing thing about your first year of CrossFit is that PR’s (personal records) come so quickly and so often, and those results help keep you motivated and focused.

5. Total Body Health & Wellness

I used to completely ignore mobility and stretching, even when I was a trainer myself years ago I usually skipped it. I always knew the importance of it, but I just didn’t really care. Fast forward to today and I now pack around a few tennis balls, my foam roller and rubber fitness bands for mobility work.

I actually enjoy working on it now and I understand how necessary it is to prevent injury and maintain total body health. I also truly appreciate a good rest day and how powerful it can be for recovery and getting stronger. Massage, anyone?

Of course, there is no right or wrong way to workout, all that matters is that you get moving, do what you enjoy and do what you can realistically maintain over time.

I still love running and yoga and zoning out on the spin bike every now and again. I also still fit in hiking and mountain biking and usually take the weekends to be active outside.

So…who’s ready to try a few fun CrossFit-style workouts?

CrossFit-Style Workouts to Try

These types of workouts are a great option to add into your regular routine to switch things up and really push yourself! You can perform these CrossFit-style workouts at any gym with some basic equipment. These workouts will build strength and conditioning and improve your overall fitness.

I’m sharing 3 common styles of CrossFit workouts, the “AMRAP”, or As Many Reps As Possible workout, the “FOR TIME” workout and the “EMOM,” or Every Minute On The Minute workout.

What Are AMRAP Workouts?

The concept of AMRAP is simple. Accumulate as many reps as possible in a set amount of time. For workout number 1, you’ve got a 15-minutes AMRAP of goblet squats, sit ups and burpees.

What’s A “For Time” Workout?

For time workouts are exactly what they sound like. Finish a set amount of work in the shortest amount of time possible.

What Are EMOM Workouts?

And EMOM workouts, my favourite, you perform a set amount of work, every minute on the minute for a pre-determined number of minutes. Such as 4 deadlifts, 4 push ups and 4 box jumps, every minute on the minute for 12 minutes. Click here to view all EMOM workouts.

Here we go! It’s pretty straight forward, follow the instructions below and get to work!!

Workout Details

The 15 Minute AMRAP

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:

  • 15 burpees
  • 15 sit-ups
  • 15 box jumps

The For Time Workout

Complete 3 rounds for time:

  • 50 alternating lunges
  • 40 sit-ups
  • 30 kettlebell swings
  • 20 air squats
  • 10 burpees

The EMOM Workout

Complete the following every minute on the minute for 12 minutes:

  • 4 deadlifts
  • 4 push press
  • 4 box jumps

More CrossFit-Style Workouts

Loving these fun WODs? Give these a try too:

20 Minute CrossFit WOD // 3-Part CrossFit AMRAP Workout // 40 Minute Full-Body EMOM Workout // 45 Minute E2MOM Workout // 30 Minute Kettlebell HIIT Workout // CrossFit EMOM Workouts 

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  1. Deryn,

    I’ve been doing a lot of foam roller research lately and I was wondering what kind of foam roller you use.


  2. I’ve never done crossfit but these workouts look like a great intro. I posted a day after this about getting accepted as a Fitfluential Ambassador as well. So excited for both of us and congrats!

  3. Thank you SO much for this post, Deryn!!! I have been very curious about CrossFit, and wanting to give it a try. What has been holding me back is thinking I’m not skilled enough, strong enough, and that it will be a bunch of males and I’ll be the only female. I have been incorporating more and more “crossfit” styled workouts into my weekly routines, and loving them (and noticing results from them). Some of which come from you :). I think CrossFit is what I need to really take my results and fitness abilities to the next level!! I’m going to be giving all three of those workouts a try over the next week! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Let me know how these go if you try them! Definitely don’t think you’re not skilled or strong enough, people of any and all fitness levels can do it! Every workout and movement can be scaled down as needed to suit your needs. It’s 100% helping me take my fitness to the next level, can’t wait to see where I’ll be in a year!

      1. That’s awesome, thank you so much for the feedback! I do have a question about the workouts…for example the EMOM workout is 12 minutes, do I repeat that? I did your most recent EMOM post that had three different rounds, so I’m wondering if this one would just be a good quick high intensity option. I do plan on going to a free class at one of the local CrossFit gym’s near by, so I’ll let you know how that goes when I do! ๐Ÿ™‚

      2. Hey Katie,

        Normally you’d just do it once. It should be intense enough that you couldn’t go much longer ๐Ÿ™‚

        Let me know how the class goes!

  4. I go back and forth on joining Crossfit. Unfortunately where I am, our membership rates are insanely expensive, so I’m just not sure if I can justify the cost right now.

    1. Thank you, Dai! I’m so excited to the FitFluential fam ๐Ÿ™‚ And thanks for the excellent recommendation to check out Studeo55!

  5. This might be the motivation I need to join CrossFit…and there is one about 1/4 mile from my house so I really don’t have any excuses!

    1. Awesome!! You should! Mine isn’t even that close but 100% worth it ๐Ÿ™‚ Let me know if decide to take the leap!