20 Minute Functional Fitness WOD

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This super fun 20 minute functional fitness WOD is a sweaty one. You’ll be putting in 20 minutes of hard work broken into 5 minute segments with 2 minutes rest in between each segment, so you’ll need 26 minutes total to complete this. This workout will challenge your entire body and improve your cardiovascular fitness. Give it a try and see how many reps you can get.

How to do this Workout

When the clock starts, perform 50 goblet squats then do as many (AMRAP = as many reps as possible) burpees as possible until the clock reaches 5 minutes. Rest for 2 minutes. At 7:00, do 50 sit-ups, then as many kettlebell swings as possible until 12:00. Rest for 2 minutes. Follow the pattern for the last two 5 minute portions.

If you’re not comfortable with the KB clean and jerks, I’d recommend doing 25 on each side of a single-arm kettlebell push press or a single-arm kettlebell thruster.

Equipment Needed

  1. Kettlebell. Use a 16-24 kg kettlebell for the goblet squats, reverse lunges, kettlebell swings and single-arm kettlebell thrusters.
  2. Box or bench. You’ll need a 20-24 inch box or bench for the box jumps.
  3. Rowing machine. You’ll need a rowing machine for the max effort row for as many metres as you can get. If you don’t have a rowing machine, you can use an assault bike or treadmill.
20 Minute CrossFit WOD For Strength and Conditioning - Running on Real Food Workouts

Workout Details

In 5 minutes:

  • 50 Goblet Squats
  • AMRAP Burpees

– 2 minutes rest –

In 5 minutes:

  • 50 Sit Ups
  • AMRAP Kettlebell Swings

– 2 minutes rest –

In 5 minutes:

  • 50 Reverse Goblet Lunges
  • AMRAP Box Jumps

– 2 minutes rest –

In 5 minutes:

  • 50 single-arm KB Thrusters (25 per side)
  • AMRAP Row for Distance

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  1. Another one of your workouts in the tank! This was a tough one. Just when I thought my shoulders would give way, it was time to wreck the legs! Iโ€™ll be walking like a noodle today. ?