This AMRAP 30-minute running and conditioning workout features two 5 minute sections, repeated three times for 30 minutes total. You’re going to alternate between cardio and high-intensity strength exercises for 30 minutes straight.

This workout is designed to improve your endurance and aerobic capacity.

Instructions for a 30 minute running and amrap workout for strength and conditioning.
Table of Contents

Workout Details

For this conditioning workout, you’ll be alternating between 5 minutes on the treadmill and a 5 minute AMRAP of burpees, push-ups, reverse lunges, kettlebell swings and air squats. An AMRAP, or as many reps as possible, means you’ll perform that circuit straight for 5 minutes, completing as many good quality reps as you can. Here’s how the workout looks.

5 minute Treadmill Run 

Start at a moderate pace and increase speed by 0.5 mph every minute for 5 minutes. For example, start at 6.0 mph, then 6.5, then 7 and so on, working your way up to 8.0 mph for the last minute. Choose a speed that will be uncomfortable but doable for 3 rounds.

5 minute AMRAP

Complete as many reps as possible in 5 minutes of the circuit below. Move at a steady pace with good form, taking little to no rest.

  • 4 burpees
  • 6 push ups
  • 8 reverse lunges
  • 10 kettlebell swings
  • 12 air squats

Repeat for 3 rounds, or 30 minutes total.

Equipment Needed

  • Treadmill. If you don’t have access to a treadmill, you can either run outside or choose another form of cardio such as a rowing, ski erg, assault bike or skipping. If you like, you can vary the cardio for each 5 minute period. For example, you could do 1 run, 1 row and 1 bike. Just make sure you keep it at a moderate to high effort.
  • Kettlebell. You’ll need one kettlebell for the kettlebell swings. I would recommend a 16-24 kg for ladies and a 24-32 kg for men.

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