This 30 Minute Treadmill Hill ClimbWorkout is not for the faint of heart. It is tough a one but it’s also effective. If you only have 30 minutes to workout, this is a great choice to put in a lot of work in 30 minutes.

Not only will you get a great cardiovascular workout but the hills will build strength and power in your legs and glutes.

30 Minute Treadmill Hill Climb Workout to Build Speed and Strength

Pace Suggestions

Please adjust the speed as needed. These speeds worked well for me, it was challenging but doable. If you use the speeds I did it gets very challenging in the second and third sets.

This workout will keep you running straight through for 30 minutes, this gets tough because you’re going to want to rest when those hills start getting bigger and bigger. Stick with it though and after 1 minute at 0% incline you should be recovered enough to hit that next hill.

Scale as Needed

If you’re a newer runner, I would recommend using a base speed of somewhere between 5.0 and 6.0 mph and adjusting the speed throughout accordingly. If you’re experienced and have a high level of fitness, use a base speed of 8.0 mph like I did. You could even power walk this workout if that’s the level you’re at.

Choose whatever is going to be a challenge for you. You’ll be running 3 x 5 minutes at your base speed, then adjusting the speed for the hills.

If you’d rather keep the speed up, you can also adjust the inclines and start off with 6 or 8% instead of 10, then just adjust everything down by 2 or 4% respectively as you work your way through the intervals. If you have any questions let me know. Remember you can do anything for 30 minutes so don’t be afraid to go for it!

Workout Details

I wanted to stop during this workout but loud music and my drive to finish kept me going. I finished feeling pretty good and very, very sweaty. Here it is, give it a try and let me know how you do!

Part 1

  • 0-5 min – 0% at 8 mph
  • 5-6 min – 10% at 7 mph
  • 6-7 min – 0% at 7 mph
  • 7-8 min – 8% at 7 mph
  • 8-9 min – 0% at 7 mph
  • 9-10 – 6% at 7 mph

Part 2

  • 10-15 min – 0% at 8 mph
  • 15-16 min – 11% at 6.5 mph
  • 16-17 min – 0% at 7 mph
  • 17-18 min – 9% at 6.5 mph
  • 18-19 min – 0% at 7 mph
  • 19-20 – 7% at 6.5 mph

Part 3

  • 20-25 min – 0% at 8 mph
  • 25-26 min – 12% at 6 mph
  • 26-27 min – 0% at 7 mph
  • 27-28 min – 10% at 6 mph
  • 28-29 min – 0% at 7 mph
  • 29-30 – 8% at 6 mph

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